Prayer of appreciation

Again you will have compassion on us; You will tread on our iniquities and cast all our sins into the depths of the sea Micah 7:19

Lord, a forgiving God who blesses his people, in this prayer of appreciation I put my life in your hands. Surely the Lord loves every human being on earth and I am one of them. That's why your grace attracts me like a magnet attracts metal, that's why is always ready to forgive me and change the meaning of my life forever.


My Lord and king of the nations, it is the Lord who has compassion on every soul living on this earth. Then there is none greater to seek than he who is all-powerful, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness. Your righteousness is eternal and your truth prevails forever. Therefore, I ask forgiveness for my sins and keep me in moments of anguish.

In this prayer of appreciation I ask you to help me not be like young Rico. Although I'm not better than him, I can make a better decision than him. That's why I don't want to get attached to the world of riches or anything that could keep me away from you.


However, the Lord was always willing to forgive that rich man because the Lord valued him. But unfortunately he didn't understand the value that the Lord placed on him and turned his back because he thought everything was too much for him. On the other hand, my God, Jesus looked at that woman caught in adultery, she recognized her own sin. Although Jesus knew she was guilty, he did not excuse the sin, but forgave the repentant person.. This is only possible because the Lord values every human being on earth.


Thus, unlike human beings who forgive today and forget everything tomorrow, the Lord throws sins into the deepest part of the sea. Therefore, in this prayer of appreciation, I recognize that the Lord God forgives and deeply loves human beings. Certainly each of us must repent of our sins, surrender our lives to you and live by love and faith. So help me make the same delivery that woman had. The Lord knows, my God, that today many people are judged, even if they are forgiven, when they make mistakes again, the mistakes of the past are thrown before them.

So I don't want to abandon the God who values human beings and protects your servants from eternal destruction. I thank you for your great kindness, Do not let me cling only to your goodness, but to your righteousness. Because then I won't live thinking that everything is rosy, but that there is punishment for infidels.

Thanks, I give you this opportunity to seek the Lord with all your heart. So transform my life with your power, touch me and let me feel the voice of Jesus saying “your sins are forgiven“. That way I will feel the conforto in my entire being.

So listen to my prayer of appreciation, because I recognize your compassion and that the Lord forgives our evils, throwing all our sins into the depths of the sea. Consider everything I am asking of you, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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