But we, according to his promise, await new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.2 Peter 3:13
Great God, great time I have been looking for you with this promised land prayer. Only the Lord can make a great promise like this, God you are holy and true, I need you. How good it is to wait for what the Lord promises, I rejoice in your transforming truth, praise the Lord forever.
God, the situation on this earth is not easy, so it's good to know that everything will come to an end one day. That's why I await your promises in Christ, I know they have time to be fulfilled, I know they are true. I cling to what has been promised because this old land is one of injustice.
Holy God, hear this prayer of mine from the promised land, see my cry, look at my heart, my desire for you increases every day. I thank you for listening to me, caring about me, about every situation in my life. Don't allow my faith to grow cold, don't let darkness dominate my life.
Before you I bend my knees, I pour myself over the Lord that I love more and more every day. Prepare me for the new heaven and the new earth that dwells in eternal justice, where evil, pain and all suffering will no longer exist. Your kingdom come first in my heart, dwell in me, establish me in your eternal purpose. Praise the Lord for all your plan of salvation.
It is very good to know that I have the Lord, an eternal and blessed God, that I can seek with this prayer of the promised land. Knowing that evil will no longer exist. Help me to be an instrument for my family to enter the new heaven and new earth. Enlighten my mind when I speak your word of truth. So my words will show salvation to everyone who sends me.
I will look forward and upward because in doing so I will stand firm on the journey to heavenly Canaan. My future is in your hands, my eternal God. I can trust you all my life because the Lord is the one who prepares me for eternal life in Jesus. Only the Lord brings about the changes I so need to transform my character into that of Christ..
Beautiful is my master Jesus, he strengthens me, he died for me, so help me die to the world. Things on this earth are bad, so I cling to the salvation offered by my master Jesus. Without a doubt, my hope is in him. So don't let the pressures of life keep me from the path. Give me strength so that, even if I stumble, I can pass through the gate of the holy city.
Father God, I know the path is narrow, but I seek the Lord with this prayer of the promised land because I desire to be in your kingdom forever. Help me prepare for your kingdom where there will be no death or pain or sin.
Always keep me in your path and save me for your kingdom of righteousness. Take my dear ones in your hands in the name of Jesus. Amen!