Storm Prayer

And behold, in the sea he rose a storm, so big that the boat was covered by the waves; he, however, was sleeping. And his disciples came and woke him up, saying: Lord, save us! that we perish. And he said to them: Why are you afraid, men of little faith? Then, rising, he rebuked the winds and the sea, and a great calm ensued. Matthew 8:24-26

My God and Father, I wish I had had the great privilege of seeing Jesus, praying the storm they did, in person. How the apostles saw and walked with him. I would like to lay my head on Christ as John did. I would like to be there contemplating the King of Glory, who came as a man to earth to give me salvation. In light of everything that has happened, I present to you, first, my request for forgiveness for any sin committed on this day.


My God, how the Lord cares about each one of us here on this earth, even though we are dust. Sovereignty spreads throughout the universe that bows recognizing your infinite greatness. Even though you are an unfathomable God, I realize that you are a God who guards and protects.

My Father, Jesus was sleeping in the boat, the storm was strong, the disciples were there scared, but they shouldn't have been, knowing that whoever was there with them is the creator of all things. Even so, they trembled, why It's not enough to walk with you, but trust. God, I want to know you more, every day, I want to distinguish your beloved deeds, see everything you have done and are doing in me and through me.

Oração da tempestade

Lord, don't let me fear the storms of life, I say this storm prayer, due to the circumstances I go through here on this earth. O God, Jesus not only calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee, but the sea of despair that the disciples possessed. So, Father, calm the storms within me. Calm the tide of distrust in my heart. Calm the tide of anguish that afflicts me. In the storm prayer I seek relief.


My God, my boat is not very big either, but if the Lord is present in my life, he will rise and order the storm to calm down. Father, in the midst of the turbulent situation, I pray the storm, so that the Lord may act in my life. I want to hear your gentle voice telling you: calm down! I want to hear your voice later, saying to the storm of my life: stop the wind, stop the storm. Thus, I will see your protection, as the Lord cares about me.

I thank you Lord because, although I am a fearful person, You are patient with me. I know the eternal Father, who, just as Christ was always there in the boat with the disciples, is always with me until the end of the age..Matthew 28:20. In this prayer of the storm I live in, I ask for your power to move forward in the midst of struggle and pain.

My God, just as the storm on the boat was rebuked, rebuke the devourer of my life, rebuke the temptations that arise in my life. Rebuke everything that affects me spiritually. But before rebuking the sea of problems outside, take away the sea of problems that are inside me. So take away from me the anguish, fear, discouragement, anxiety and all the evil that corrodes me. Accept my request, accept my gratitude for your immense kindness. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

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