Prayer of regeneration

Not by works of righteousness which we had done, but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit,Titus 3:5

Beloved Father, praise be to your name for hearing me in this prayer of regeneration. I thank you for your eternal justice that transforms the lives of everyone who believes. Thus I have life in Jesus Christ, my righteous and beloved savior. I hold on to your arms of justice because I know it is powerful to save.


In your hands of compassion I place my entire life so that it may be full of grace and virtue. Certainly your great love transformed my life forever. Like this the flame of hope lit in my heart and began to regenerate it. So I can be prepared every day even though I am a sinful and failed person. In view of this, my God, do not let me stray from your paths.

I place all my supplication and trust in you through this prayer of regeneration. So everything happens through the action of your Spirit in my life, filling me with grace and the power of  your Spirit so that I can move forward on the journey. I know that I am close to Celestial Canaan, so don't allow me to give up on the real purpose that called me. Only in you do I have a real life change.


My beloved Father, you are special to me because you are an eternal God, who loves and has compassion on human beings. The Lord sent your Son to die for me and completely regenerate my life according to his likeness. That's why the Lord saved us for the regeneration of the soul. So if he doesn't get attached to you he will be lost forever.


I seek you intensely with this prayer of regeneration because I know that the world is lost without you. Certainly only the Lord gives the power to overcome sin and faith that clings to the merits of Christ on the cross of Calvary. Then I will raise my hand and ask with all faith for the regeneration of my heart.

Give me your righteousness, change my thoughts when they are going the wrong way. Come with your regenerating power and completely transform my mind. So you remove all the negative parts and barriers that prevent me from serving firmly. I certainly don't have the strength to do everything on my own.

So my prayer of regeneration is because I believe only in you, because man does not have the power to move an arm if the Lord does not allow it. Therefore I praise you for your great majesty and for a love that incarnated and died for me. So I thank you for the great love of the Cross where the Lord has shown that my value is highly valued by you.

Take care of me at all times so that I never stop seeing your truth. May your purpose be fulfilled in my life and may I remain in your eternal righteousness. So renew me, I want to be like your servants who lived faithfully until death. That's why, By your grace I will remain firm in faith even if the world falls on me.

I ask you for all this and thank you in the name of my savior Jesus. Amen!

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