Prayer for purity of life

Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God. MT 5:8

will prepare me for heaven. So help me to hand over everything I have into your hands so that you can guide me through eternity. I will see your face that shines like the sun of righteousness.


Every moment that I seek you I feel a power in my being and I Holy God, great eternal Father, hear this of mine prayer for purity of life because I long to see your face. I know I am a sinner, but the Lord strengthens me. Certainly your instruction is what I need daily, from you comes the power of liberation. The strength I have comes from you, the author and finisher of our faith. Who can stand on the day of final anguish? Only those who put their lives in your hands.

I will be transformed by your Holy Spirit who acts in me. That's why I seek you with this prayer of purity of life. How good it is to be by your side, to know that you listen to me and guide me, directing my steps towards the home of eternal love. So it's worth following you, because You have done a great work in the hearts of those who live for you.


Come and console me on a bad day, give me power to defeat the enemy, so he will not triumph over me. I will never be shaken if the Lord is on my side because I am on the side of omnipotence. Surely those who seek you will be purified, made white by the blood of the lamb.


In this prayer for purity of life, I want a complete cleansing of the soul, emptying myself of myself. This way I will be with Jesus and my soul will rejoice forever. So purify me of my evil thoughts, help me to walk in your path of light. Be the center of my life, cleanse me with your Spirit. May your will be done in my life.

Your word says that the pure in heart are blessed, so help me to be that person. This way I will grow to full victory in Jesus. So my beloved God help me always to approach you with reverenceI always feel gratitude for everything you have done in my life.

So direct me to life, hear this prayer of purity of life and help me to be prepared for your kingdom of glory. I will continually steady my steps, always seeking you so that your restorative power perform miracles in my life.

Holy God, dear Father, I will one day see your face because the Lord is the one who helps me stay firm on your path. Come live in me, make in my being all the change I need, this way I will have my heart transformed. Come and live in me so that I may have the supreme gift of love.

I will delight in seeking you because you are a source of guidance in the lives of all who place themselves in your hands. That's why my steps are firmer every day because I have trusted in you, seeking you with this prayer of purity.

Incline your ear to listen and hear me because I ask everything in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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