Prayer of prosperity

The proud in heart stirs up contentions, but he who trusts in the Lord will prosper. Proverbs 28:25

Lord, divine eternal Father, when I address you in prosperity prayer, my greatest desire is to be closer to you. The Lord is holy, compassionate, the God who releases diverse blessings to his people. That's why I seek the Lord, for you are an inexhaustible source. Without you there is no gift of life, so everything that comes from you is a wonderful gift. Beloved Lord, forgive me and help me to be closer to you so that I can reflect Christ here on earth and grow in grace and by virtue of your Holy Spirit. Be praised for everything you have done in this universe where the Lord is the author of all things, for he brought everything into existence.


Father, life here on this side is not easy, but the Holy Spirit is with me helping me in all things. In this prosperity prayer I recognize your daily provision, which goes much further than financial and daily bread. So help me to always recognize your daily blessings and help me see the blessings in disguise. Thus, my God, I will recognize your greatness in all things, because the Lord cares about the air I breathe. In the same way, he also worries about when I go to bed and when I get up.

My God, in this prayer of prosperity I present my supplications and thanks. Please do not allow pride and selfishness to speak louder in my life. Remove from me every bad spirit of ambition so that I do not fall into the temptation of pride and selfishness. So too, my God, transform my heart, enlarge my borders, so that I may be prosperous in all things. Help me to be dedicated to my work and be an example of life and always be contemplating Christ.


In this prosperity prayer, I ask the Lord to make my dreams come true, all the things that are important to my life. So help me get some important goods, I ask this because the Lord wants the best for your children. So Dad, college, buying a house, car and so many other things are often a necessity.


Rebuke the devourer of my house, and help me to offer you, give me prosperity in physical and emotional health. This prosperity prayer places the Lord at the center of all things, because if he is not in my life, none of this makes sense.. So help me to be prosperous with the faith of Abraham. Make me a prosperous person like Jacob who was later renamed Israel, for he was a man who worked hard. Above all, these men served you, so keep me in the faith they had, put me on the path that the Lord knows is best for my life.

Bless, my God, those who wish to be prosperous at work, in college, in business and in so many other things as long as they wish to honor you. Above all, in this prayer of prosperity, give me a double portion of your Spirit, so I will be a person who will be full of Christ. Answer this prayer of mine and do according to your will, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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