Prayer of the promise of victory

He who is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that overcomes the world: our faith. 1 John 5:4

Lord my God, here I am seeking you with this prayer of the promise of victory. Because I know that many people have done great things in their lives. That's why I surrender everything I am so that the Lord can take care of my life. So I didn't lean back into a comfort zone because of your promise.


Certainly my victory is granted because on the cross of Calvary there was the greatest victory of all. There my Jesus died on the cross to save my life and give new hope to humanity. Then Come lead me to your paths that are straight and flat.

Before you I seek with this prayer the promise of victory. Because I know that the Lord is able to fulfill your promises. So if I am born of you, then I will overcome the world because I wait for you, trusting in what you promised.


Lord God, I will not abandon you because I have the Holy Spirit who gives me the strength to stand. Faced with the journey of this life there will always be suffocating situations, but the Lord gives us the air that keeps us sustained.


If the victory that overcomes the world is our faith, I cling to faith in the promises that come from the Cross, from my beloved benefactor. So I set out to seek you with this prayer of the promise of victory. That's why I will trust you because The Lord is with me guiding me to eternity.

So don't let the shadows of the world wrap me like a cloak to the point of despair. But if by chance I despair at some point, help me to look up and see your powerful hand raised to help me.

I want to always be seeking you with this prayer of the promise of Victory. Because surely the winners took possession of the land that the Lord promised from the foundation of the world. So firm my steps in your truth and don't let me move away from you.

I know that your love is so deep in my life that Christ himself died for me. So help my family and friends who didn't give their lives to you to do that right now. Like this they will place their lives in your paternal care and feel your comforting love.

My God and Father, this prayer of the promise of victory brings me closer to you, which is why it is always acting in my life. So be with me at all times protecting me and guarding me so that I don't fall into temptation.

Only the Lord is God and blessed forever, so do not allow me to seek refuge in anything else. Do in me your will and act in me according to your eternal purpose.

Take care of my family, guard my entire home and answer this prayer of the promise of victory. I I will continue to trust you because my trust is not in myself. About your provision I ask and thank you for all this in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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