Prayer of perseverance

Praying at all times with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching in this with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints, Ephesians 6:18

Father of eternity, the prayer of perseverance It's what I need to keep me standing until the return of my beloved Jesus. Without the power of your Spirit I have no way to move forward, because only in you do I have hope and salvation. Forgive me, my God and Father, for any sin committed, May the Lord be exalted here on earth and there in heaven so that your light can shine in our hearts. The Lord is the center of all things, he knows what is happening in the lives of each person here on earth, he knows what is behind the great veil.


Your greatness is something that permeates the universe and brings life where it desires, brings order where the Lord establishes. My God, help me to pray as the apostles prayed, help me to become more attached to prayers. May the Lord help me to persevere in prayer, that's why I pray the prayer of perseverance, because I need your power to overcome evil. Only the Lord is a blessed God, who gives strength to the weary and broken in spirit. No matter what situation a person finds themselves in, the Lord goes to where they are and performs a miracle right there..

God, I present you in a prayer of perseverance because if I am not persevering, my faith will fail, I will run the risk of falling into the garden of the enemy. Help me, O God, I am always begging you, help me spend more time with you. Christ and all your faithful lived an intense life of prayer. So get rid of all accommodation. Don't allow me to spend more time in front of the TV watching useless things than studying your word. Help me to pay less attention to what is superficial and help me maintain the prayer of perseverance.

Oração da perseverança

Lord, Christ was focused on saving us, the apostles persevered in prayer and clinging to your word. The apostles were no different from me, as they were sinners like any normally born human being. Only Christ was perfect, because he was incarnated. So help me to be like them, because what made a difference in their lives was the intense moments of prayer and attachment to your truth, they go out to announce your kingdom. Help me, holy God, to be like this too, take away from me any excuse I may have for not living in holiness. Open the Red Sea that is before me and helps me to persevere until the end of the journey of this world.


Father, help me to be holy, people think, my God, that being holy means stopping sinning, but they don't know that the word holy means separated to the Lord, separated to your truth. Being holy means not living in sin even if you sin, you are not a sinner. In the prayer of perseverance I place my adoration, my confession, my petition and all my supplications. Help me to be persevering, help my whole house to seek, I commit myself into your hands once again in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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