Cornerstone Prayer

Jesus asked them: Have you never read in the Scriptures: The stone that the builders rejected became the chief cornerstone; is this from the Lord and is it marvelous in our eyes? Matthew 21:42. This Jesus is a stone rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. Acts 4:11.

I present myself before you my Father in this cornerstone prayer, because my trust is solely in Jesus Christ and everything he did for me on the cross of Calvary. I know, my dear God, that Christ was rejected by many Jews and unfortunately rejected by many people today. Although I am here and I recognize your greatness and the power of the Cross over my life. Certainly the Lord acts in the life of everyone who believes, but he touches the hearts of those who have a hard heart so that it softens.


I recognize your infinite greatness not only on the cross but before you created the world because your works are admirable. Although I am just dust, Christ saw me with great value on the cross of Calvary. That is why I seek you in this prayer of the cornerstone, because I have accepted my beloved Savior as the main stone of my life. Thus, Jesus is my eternal foundation.

Holy Father, how good it is to know your sacred word and to know about my beloved Savior who died for me, a sinner. Even though I don't deserve it, I'm here because of the Cross. At that time the cross was a cause of dishonor, today it has become a cause of honor because there was God the Son extending his hands to save me.


O God hear this cornerstone prayer of mine. I know that in Solomon's time they prepared all the stones for the largest buildings. But they needed the main stone, the one that would support everything, but many times they left the stone forgotten. So, my God, they tested several stones to fit in that place that could withstand all the weight and changes in time. But my God, they didn't work out sometimes, they stopped and saw that the stone they rejected had been there for a long time, enduring the storms and all the heat and problems of the weather. So this stone is arranged and they put it in that place and realized that it was exactly made to be there.


In the same way, Jesus Christ was rejected by his own, but he was the main stone that fits into our lives, bringing transformation. So listen to this cornerstone prayer because I recognize that Christ is the rock of my life. Jesus is my eternal foundation. Christ hears my prayer of causes because you know that I want to put everything in your hands.

Come to me, my Father and transform my life. Be the center of everything, that's why I surrender my plans to the Lord who sees and loves everything. May my tower not remain unfinished because the good work that the Lord began to do in me, the Lord will finish.

In this cornerstone prayer I place my hopes because the Lord is the only one who can perform eternal miracles. Your light shines in the darkness bringing people to walk with Christ. Yes, they can now hold the Savior's arm to trust in him. This way they place their hopes in you. So come to me and help me feel your love, and may I pass this love and hope on to others. Your will be done in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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