Prayer for inner peace

may mercy, peace and love be multiplied to you. Jude 1:2

God, I'm addressing you with the prayer for inner peace because Christ promised to give me a peace that the world does not give. Unfortunately, my God, the world lies with the evil one and that is why he is unable to offer heavenly peace. The accommodations of this life and the problems in it often fill us with tranquility.


So, my God, help me not to be trapped in the circumstances of this life. Don't let the enemy tie me up in the problems around me. Take away from me all feelings of self-righteousness when I look at crimes around me. But may my sense of justice be that which is in your word.

Father, I ask you in this prayer of inner peace that the Lord come with your Holy Spirit into my home. It brings peace and tranquility in it, but that above all I can have you in my heart. Unfortunately I am part of this sinful land that is full of problems. Difficulties arise at all times, but I know that life is not completely painful on this earth because if it were that way, no one would be able to handle it.


So help me to cling to faith in the Lord, give me the peace that Christ promised and strengthen my soul so that I can walk without giving up. This way, even in the midst of the storm and pain, I will flap my wings like a bird in the storm. So too, even if the house collapses and I'm like a bird in its nest, firmly in the tree looking at that heavy rain around.


May my inner peace be seen by those outside. So listen to this prayer of mine for inner peace and help me believe that the Lord always has something in store for me. This way I will show this to people and they will see that your promises in the scriptures are faithful and true. Thanks I give you for covenant what you did to me, therefore I have peace in you alone.

My greatest desire is to honor you because I know that the tendency of the flesh is to follow what is wrong. But your power is omnipotent, and Christ is full of light and where light dwells, darkness cannot prevail. No matter how powerful the enemy is, he is nothing compared to your unlimited power.

The enemy knows that if he takes away our peace, it will greatly affect our lives, which is why I seek you with this prayer for inner peace. This way my heart will not be disturbed to the point that I distrust you. But yes, I will have an unshakable faith, even in anguish I will have the power to overcome any obstacle.

I don't want this peace just for myself, I want it for the lives of my loved ones. So also give peace to those people I have prayed for, forgive their sins. Help each of them to feel calm by being confident in you.

My beloved Father, I thank you for listening to me once again. I thank you for forgiving my sins and also listening to my intercessory prayers on behalf of many people. Then take care of my life and that family that is currently going through difficulties in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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