Word prayer

Sanctify them in truth; your word is the truth.John 17:17 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16,17

Lord God, how good it is to address you with my word prayer. Without a doubt, I become closer to you by thanking and exalting your name. The Lord created all things and promised all your servants enormous blessings. Forgive me now Lord, my sins, strengthen my faith and guide me on the path of righteousness for the love of your name. Holy righteous is the Lord, worthy to be praised, magnified and exalted. Your immense mercies are the reasons why we are not consumed. That's why I want to always be in your presence, because without the Lord life has no meaning.


In this prayer of the word, my desire is to turn to you so that you may sanctify me in it and save me for your kingdom.. As it is written in Psalms 119:105: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Therefore I desire that your word be my light and my instruction so that I can walk righteously in your presence.

O God, I only need you so that I can grow in Grace in the virtues that Christ released to me. I will be a channel of blessings for the honor and glory of your name, because Christ loved me until the end. So my God, I want to hold on to your word like the holy apostles and Jesus did. In the same way, O God, the patriarchs and prophets also clung. That's why they clung to your truth and followed your path straight, and even when they failed they got up and went by faith towards your promise.


O God, how good it is to pray the word, because it is ennobling, it sanctifies your people and everyone who walks in the truth. Dear God, the Lord speaks through your word, it is like a double-edged sword that divides joints and marrow and goes into the heart transforming the soul. So help me not to just read it sporadically. In fact, my Father, I don't just want to read random verses, help me study it all.


So the truth will set me free every day, as it is written in John 8:32. Help me, God, to feel more like studying the Bible and praying. Make me a new and living person through the power of your Holy Spirit. Even so, my Father, may your word satisfy me because it is light and your power for the salvation of everyone who believes. I will have more proximity of you studying your word.

My God, In this prayer of the word, I ask the Lord to touch the heart of each family member so that they feel interested in it. How, O God, can the sinner knowing the truth that frees you and how to live on the right path without studying the Bible? Therefore, my God, the Lord says: All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2Timothy 3:16.

That's why my Father, Just like Mary, Joseph and the apostles, help me to be a person instructed in your truth. This way the Holy Spirit will remind me of what I studied and not what I didn't read. In this prayer of the word attend, O God, help me to walk uprightly. Help me to speak the verses that free people, help me to talk more about Jesus and always have a song in my heart. Answer my prayer Father, wake me up every morning to meditate and reflect on the cross of Christ. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

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