Prayer of Opportunity

Be careful with the way you live; let it not be as fools, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are bad. Ephesians 5:15,16

My God, I thank you in advance for this opportunity to do this prayer of opportunity, because with each passing day your mercies are renewed. This way I can come to you, because your grace has freed me from sin so that the power of darkness does not dominate my life. So come to me, make me a new vessel so that I can walk according to your will, that way I will always follow the Lord wherever you allow me to walk.


How good it is to be with you in communion, always directing me with this prayer of opportunity. I will always walk with you because you have helped me at all times. I thank you because the Lord has taken care of me, even in times when I seemed to be alone. So help me to make a daily commitment so that I may grow in grace and truth.

Holy God, be the center of my life, so that my decisions may be for your exaltation. Take away from me everything that is evil and help me to walk in the eternal paths with joy of heart. Your word says: How will we escape, if we do not pay attention to such a great salvation, which, beginning to be announced by the Lord, was later confirmed to us by those who heard it;Hebrews 2:3.


In this prayer of opportunity, my desire is to take care of the ways I speak your word. I want all my actions to be a testimony to the honor and glory of your name. May my ways be an argument to the world that the Lord transforms lives. So I don't want to be part of the world, no matter how much I'm in it.


Free me from all nonsense because many have gone that way. That's why I immediately ask the Lord for this prayer of opportunity. Unfortunately, humanity drinks from its own bad choices. Therefore, I recognize my weaknesses, I don't trust myself. I know that I cannot live a good life on my own unless your Spirit works powerfully in my life. In you I have hope, I seek because there is a stream of still waters that comes from your throne of grace.

Lord, free me from the wisdom of the world and help me to walk in the wisdom of heaven. This way I can take advantage of opportunities and not complain when approval seems to burn me. That for this world, wisdom is actually madness because wisdom from above leads to the transformation and salvation of the soul. Meanwhile, even people of noble intellect do not recognize your greatness in a simple flower that grows in the field. As they do not fear you, they cannot even possess the principle, imagine your greatness!

O God, help me not to be like men who look at all creation and see chance. Therefore, in this prayer of opportunity I want to see that I was born for a purpose, even if I was not born in conditions that pleased the Lord. However, the Lord turns evil into a blessing, because even when people live in a wrong way, the Lord saves the person who gives their life to you.

This prayer of opportunity makes me recognize the bad world and that's why I can't get caught up in it because everything is temporary. In reality, my God, life without the Lord has no meaning. Without the Lord there is no way to live, but simply to survive in the evil world where sin dominates minds.

On thee life really has meaning because life outside of God has no eternal purpose. Hear this prayer of mine, transform my life, give me wisdom, help me not to walk in evil paths and save me and my family for your eternal kingdom. All this I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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