Prayer of new life

The Lord says, “Come now, and let us discuss the matter. Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be as red as crimson, they shall become like wool. Isaiah 1:18

Lord, my God, in this new life prayer I put my hope and my faith in you. The Lord is my forgiving God who strengthens the downcast, rescues the oppressed and gives strength to the weary. So come to me at this moment and help me according to your merciful grace. Cleanse me completely of my sins and help me not to walk in paths that displease You.


Lord of hosts, O king of nations, take care of me daily, help me feel your guidance and protection. Without a doubt, everyone who abandons you is heading towards the path of loneliness and death. But those who trust in you will renew their strength, all those who asked the Lord for forgiveness will be purified.

In this prayer of new life is my enormous desire to be a purified person. I want to be white as snow before your Holy presence to contemplate your face. How can I bear the brightness of your glory in sin? It will never be possible if your Spirit does not cleanse my entire being first. So I start looking for you daily because in you I have the power to overcome evil.Oh my God, I will follow you firmly, always deviating from paths that displease you.


I feel your Holy Spirit touching me and giving me strength to move forward even with everything bad around me. I thank you for your kindness and mercy in acting powerfully in my life. I thank you for every touch you gave to my heart, showing me the path to follow.



I am sure that at this moment the Lord is listening to my prayer for new life. What did the Lord promise in your word that Even if our sins are as red as crimson, the Lord will make them as white as snow.. Such a formidable promise, for the sinner looks upon it and sees its marvelous grace extended to him. How can a bad person become a good person? Only the Lord can perform this extraordinary miracle.

May my daily transformation be sincere so that it pleases only the Lord. Your justice attracts me deeply and your love transforms my heart. That's why I feel peace and joy in serving because you take care of me even in the great challenges I face. Christ prayed in gethsemane because of the challenge I would have, so I pray too.

May the Lord always look at me, listening to this prayer of new life because my desire is to be transformed. Therefore may your name be praised, for Know the lessons we have to go through to be purified in our character. Help me to see your actions in my life for my purification.

Although I am not a person worthy of your grace, I accept your acceptance of me. Then make me white as snow, also prepare my loved ones for your eternal kingdomO. Thus they will live together with me forever in the new Heaven and the New Earth where justice, peace and eternal happiness dwell. Answer this prayer of new life according to your will, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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