Multiplication Prayer

He blesses those who fear the Lord, both small and great. May the Lord increase your blessings more and more, upon you and upon your children. Psalms 115:13,14

Holy God, it's good to know that my life is in your hands, so I place myself at your feet with this multiplication prayer. This is certainly a way of being attached to the Lord and seeking to be standing on the big day. Certainly great deeds were performed by Jesus when he walked this earth and performed great miracles, such as the multiplication of loaves and fish.


In this way he showed that he never abandons the people, because does not throw away anyone who stands in its way asking for help and help for your wounds in different situations.

Anyone who understands the importance of multiplication can have their life changed with enormous miracles that can operate in the life of the faithful believer. So I stick to what you promised, because help me to be established like a rock because my foundation is Jesus Christ. My God, may these blessings that the Lord promised your people be poured into my life.


My soul cries out for you because there is no way to look for anyone other than the Lord. So in this prayer of multiplication I think that multiply your blessings on my life and my family. Help me always recognize your greatness and your infinite power. Take away from me everything that could put me in perdition. For you know that I fear your name, because you never fail to lift your hand to save.


Holy God, both great and small are under your protection when they seek the Lord with all their heart. So I never stopped seeking you with the prayer of multiplication. So help me to feel your support and may my heart always be with a prayer of praise.

So in this prayer of multiplication I ask that my faith multiply, that my love increase. In the same way, help me increase my love for the Lord above all things. Take care of my loved one and multiply the work of the Holy Spirit in her life. She will be able to look at the Lord as the center of everything. May all your children feel your guiding hand giving enormous blessings to their lives.

Dear God, I know that this multiplication prayer of mine is not in vain, because the Lord is always listening and ready to answer. In truth Your biggest wish is that everyone is touched by your action in their lives. This way they will be able to see a closer God who is willing to help.

May my prayers be multiplied because the closer I am to the Lord, the more transformed I will be. So may this multiplication prayer be a blessing not only in my life but through my influence on the lives of others. Help me always to hold on to your sacred word, not as just a book but as the truth for the salvation of everyone who believes. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

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