Prayer of Moderation

Let your moderation be known to all men. The Lord is near. Philippians 4:5

Eternal God of love and kindness, I thank you for this privilege of prayer of moderation, because in this way I come even closer to the Lord who knows all things. So come to me with your powerful hand. Do great things in my life, keep me away from disobedience and help me to be a Christian person firm in the faith.


My soul rejoices every time I approach you with all my heart. AThis gives me strength to overcome the bad days and every problem that plagues me. So this prayer of moderation is my way of getting closer to you and having what is necessary to transform my life and bring me even closer to heaven.

God, help me to have moderation and great courage in following you, always seeking to live preaching your truth with total devotion and the desire to serve you from the heart. Be the center of my life and the light that illuminates my path to eternity. Help me to be moderate to exalt you, eat, drink, work.


So don't let me get caught up in superfluous things that will displease you, because that way I make you sad. In this way, I ask that you make your home in me so that I can feel the transformation within me. My beloved Father, May my life be a testimony of moderation to all men so that I may glorify your name.


Listen to this prayer of moderation and help me not to be attached to what belongs to the world, so that everyone can see my temperance fleeing from gluttony. In the same way, Don't let the spirit of avarice dominate me and make me lose my temper.

So I also ask, my God, that the spirit of vanity does not dominate me and that even my religious life is balanced, without excesses. But May I remain firm in its principles, which are non-negotiable.

Your inspired word says in these verses that my moderation must be known to everyone, so it is important that I am not tied to the pleasures of this life. Therefore, in this prayer of moderation I ask that Build my character by not allowing me to deviate from the focus of life. So help me to look to Christ, the author of my faith.

May your name be glorified because it is the Lord who helps me to have self-control. In this way, help me to have moderation in the things that are good, but do not allow me to have moderation in the bad things.

Guide my steps on your straight paths so that my heart does not stray to places where the Lord does not want me to go. Like this May the Holy Spirit be my guide and help me to be a moderate believer who clings to your truth at any cost. This way I will always walk your path with praise in my heart.

My God, answer this prayer of moderation and help me to be a person who brings great examples to everyone around me. Thus my spirit of moderation will show a control that many may feel inspired to do the same for your honor. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

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