Prayer of Meekness

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5

How good it is to approach you, Lord, strengthen me, give me power to overcome evil, to move forward, and to walk continually in your presence. From now on, O Father, I ask your beloved for forgiveness, which he so kindly offers to me, a failed sinner and unlike you. But I seek you, my God, because I know that grace comes from you, I know that It is from the Lord that the salvation and transformation of the human soul into a righteous soul comes. Eternal Father, I know that by clinging to you, your light will shine upon me, and will make my dark days brighter, leaving my disturbed mind, more peaceful.


Without your help, O God, I am completely lost, where would I go, since Only from the Lord comes the power to overcome evil. My God, I desire the power of your Holy Spirit, That's why I seek his fruits. One of them, O Father, is the fruit of meekness. I know that it is not easy to have control in the face of adverse situations. Problems plague me, people bother me, situations make me impatient.

But I know that my sweet and beloved Jesus, the one who treated Peter meekly, even denying him three times, is the one who helps me control myself at all times. Holy Father, I want to be gentle when talking to people, I want to be gentle when listening to people, I want to act meekly when someone afflicts me.

But I know, Lord God, that meekness is not failing to act firmly when something is wrong, it is not failing to do what is right and point out changes, but self-control, even exercising reproof.


I want the divine Holy Spirit to help me change each day and prepare for heaven. Because I do want to live with you forever, I want to be in the paradise of the meek, I wish that your kindness changes and transforms my heart, my life completely.

I want, O God, to donate my time, I desire a meek and quiet spirit, which, although it does not fail to rebuke error, knows how to do so..

I dedicate my life to you alone, moving forward, on the straight and flat path, worthy of you walking with me. At this moment, Father, I pray for all those who have no control over their destructive emotions. May he come to be patient, let go of the fury and anger. Christ, O God, showed in the sermon on the mount what he considers most important and provides true happiness, in front of his listeners he showed the great meaning of living what is right. He showed that justice comes solely from you, that you will resolve all things at the right time. So give me a spirit of gentleness as I speak your words to the weary and brokenhearted.

Make me an abode so that I may be what you want for me, help me not to get attached to my own heart and give me firmness of purpose. And save me and my family for your kingdom. By the blood of Christ. Amen!

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