Prayer of Instruction in Justice

All Scripture is divinely inspired, and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; 2 Timothy 3:16

My beloved Lord is prayer of instruction in righteousness It is because I recognize that your word is faithful and true. So I seek your truth with all my heart. I want to be saved for your kingdom but I also want my family to go with me. That's why I really need you, come and be part of my daily life.


I thank you in advance for your kindness and mercy, so give me your instruction through your word. Christ said that he has spirit and life in her, which is why I am here consecrating myself to the Lord. Be the center of my life so I will follow you even though difficulties tend to take me down. Then confirm your promise in my life.

I need you, that's why I seek you with this prayer of instruction in justice. You know my heart and you know the paths it can go if the Lord is not its center. You know how my soul is dejected in the face of various negative events. That's why the my strength is solely in the Lord who helps me to be firm and persevere.


Firm me with your truth continually because I know that the power that comes from the Cross transforms the lives of all those who surrender to Jesus. Therefore sanctify me in truth because your word sets free everyone who believes. I place myself in your hands knowing that Your grace is enough for me in the face of my weaknesses.


It's good to know that I have a God who looks at me and knows my needs. That is why I seek you with this prayer of instruction in justice. May your sacred inspiration renew my strength daily and help me persevere even in the midst of pain and anguish. Take care of me so I will become stronger and follow your truth at all costs.

In this prayer of instruction of justice, I place all my faith in the merits of Christ on the cross. He certainly saved my life in a complete and absolute way. So I give everything I have and am so that your name may be magnified and exalted through my testimony. When I look at Cruz I see the love that Christ has for me, because there love showed itself in a fuller way and changed the lives of many.

May your word be spoken through my mouth and transform people's lives with the Holy Spirit acting in their lives. Therefore, both morning and night I will seek to feed on the truth. So I have strength for each day and your Holy Spirit will be my instructor so that I do not make hasty decisions.

I ask that you hear this prayer of instruction in justice and that you guide me along the avenue of justice for the sake of your name. This way I won't be dead weight in anyone's life, but an instrument of yours that brings salvation.

In my moments of despair I will seek your word and I will have the answer to everything I need. That's why I ask everything in this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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