Prayer of eternal glory

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, with all the angels, he will sit on his throne in the heavenly glory. Matthew 25:31

Eternal, holy, kind and just God, I address you with this prayer of eternal glory, I have this privilege of saying a prayer because of your love. My Father, there are many critics who think that heaven is a place where we only play the harp on a cloud. They are completely wrong, because the infinite God created everything infinite for us. I know that one day the history of this world will come to an end and the new kingdom will be inaugurated.


Therefore I pray to you seeking you with a prayer of eternal glory because I know that your promises are faithful and enabling. Without your help, no matter who it is, they will be lost forever. So forgive my sins and help me to always look up. Seeing that my hope is not in men or in anything on this earth. But in you, who has the life-giving power to transform men into new people. Thus they will be saved and transformed by the blood of the lamb.

Help me, because in this prayer of eternal glory I know that your promise will be fulfilled when Christ returns in Glory. It will be a time for all the redeemed to be taken to heaven. And soon they will all be in the new Heaven and the new earth where there will never be anything bad again. I know that pain and suffering will be banished forever. Help me to be like all the faithful who believe in your word.


They died, awaiting the resurrection of the last day as it is written in your word: For the Lord himself, with his word of command, with the voice of the archangel heard, and with the trumpet of God, will descend from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first; 1 Thes 4:16. All this because your grace saved me.


That's why every time I pray for eternal glory I feel divine light coming upon me. May your holy angels come and visit my home because they deeply desire my salvation. So I ask that you hug my family and help each one of them to place their lives in your hands. Regarding those who have already given their lives to you, give them strength to stay on their path. Don't allow them to look back like Lot's wife because of the things of the world. But that I can look forward to the heights, going on the narrow path even if it is slippery. Wherever the Lord is we have certain security.

I will never lose hope because I know that everything will be fulfilled at the right time. In the same way that Christ's first coming took place in the fullness of time, according to the prophecies, he will return for the second time at the right time to seek out his people. So help me to always be seeking you with this prayer of eternal glory. This way I will be connected to the Lord every day of my life. If by chance I am not alive when Christ returns, I know that the trumpet will be sounded and I will rise from the grave to live with Christ forever..

In this prayer of eternal glory I ask that you visit my home, come into my heart every day. Be with all those I spoke of your word to, always touch the hearts of those I encouraged to pray because that is how the Lord taught me. When I thought I was lost, Jesus came and touched my heart. There I looked at his hands marked by the cross, but powerful to lift me from where I was. That's why I finish this prayer, placing my life and that of my family entirely in your hands. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

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