Prayer for spiritual steadfastness

For now we live, if you stand firm in the Lord.1 Thessalonians 3:8

My eternal God, I thank you for this opportunity to make prayer gives spiritual firmness, for your grace reached me and gave me strength. So I will continue towards the goal of eternal salvation in Jesus. How good it is to be with you, knowing that the Lord keeps and protects me in the face of all the conflict around.


I always want to be with you because by your side I will always be firm even in the face of life's biggest storms. How gracious your company is, how good it is to establish myself on the rock that is Christ Jesus. Your anointing changes my life and makes me see life in a different way.. Always be with me, forgive my sins and help me to walk firmly forward looking upward.

In this prayer of spiritual firmness I place my faith in Jesus and take possession of his merits on the cross of Calvary. Without my Christ I am nothing, so I need him every day of my life. My redemption is guaranteed on the cross, my eternal salvation is guaranteed if I remain in Jesus. The Lord says that you are my refuge and strength, so I want to lean on you, full of grace and virtue.


My joy is only complete when I know you are with me, so help me to look firmly at my savior. Jesus suffered to give me forgiveness, so my steadfastness is in basing my faith in him. Therefore, I place my hopes in my beloved and forever blessed savior who changes my heart.


Certainly I eagerly await the coming of Christ, so remove what can make me lose my salvation. Therefore my steadfastness is in you. Therefore, From your throne of grace the Lord stretches out his hand and gives me the peace that the world cannot give me.r.

I need the Lord at all times, from you comes my solution, I seek you with this prayer of spiritual firmness because the Lord is the only one capable of helping me at all times. My life is unshakable only when I seek you, there is no way to stand firm if it is not by your side.

Take care of me, help me feel your protection, your strength at all times, because at all times I cry out to the Lord. Now I live because I am in the Lord. So praise be to exalt your name because you love the sinner.

Although I am not worthy of your grace, the Lord is there listening to me and giving me power to overcome evil. Come hug me right now, help me feel your warmth. Be with me all the days of my life.

Hear this prayer of mine, give spiritual firmness and keep me for your kingdom. When the storm comes over my life, my house will stand on the rock forever. All evil will be removed from my life and I will live eternal life.

Lord God, always be by my side, don't let me seek refuge in places that are not good for me. I ask for everything and thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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