Prayer of exultation

“Even if the fig tree does not bloom, there are no grapes on the vines; Even if the olive harvest fails, there is no food production in the fields, no sheep in the pen or oxen in the stables, I will still exult in the Lord and rejoice in the God of my salvation.” Hc.3:16-17

Holy God, almighty, in this prayer of exultation is my trust in you even when things seem to be going contrary to what I want for my life. Expectations are often completely different from the events of life. Then the Lord makes us pass through the furnace to purify us from every earthly trait. But your guiding hand is there, even when everything seems dark and bad.


In this prayer of exultation I have the Lord as the center and guide of my life even if the sky is falling. In the face of storms, the Lord has placed me so that I can leave every comfort zone and grow to honor and your glory. I thank you, my Lord, because above all you desire my salvation and take me to a situation where your mission will be favored in the salvation of the soul.

Therefore, I do not stop praying for exultation, even in the face of the difficulties that plague me the most and lead me to discouragement. The Lord is the one who protects, even in the most disconcerting situations. Your action has purposes much higher than we expect. Life for the Lord, my God, is much more precious than any human being can imagine. So come to me and operate according to your will. Do your work in me and operate with your immense power so that your work is completed in my life.


Before you I present this prayer of exaltation because to the Lord I owe my life, my salvation. So without the Lord I will be a lost person, that's why I constantly call on you for my spiritual growth.


My holy God, with each passing day I feel your presence in my life, this makes me draw closer to you with the prayer of exultation. That way I will cling even more to the God who saves and shapes the character of the human being who kneels at his feet. I know that from ancient times the Lord has done great things in the lives of your servants. This made a huge difference in their lives and in every person who was part of their daily life. May I be a firm testimony on earth, even more so because The Lord never abandons those who cling to you.

That's why I will rejoice at all times, even if everything seems to fall or the ground collapses due to illness or the loss of a loved one. So I turn to you with the prayer of exultation, because I am a person sorry.

Holy One of Israel, hear my prayer, make my family believe in you and desire your presence, so they can grow in sanctification. My desire is for all of us to be in the heavenly mansions for eternal life.

Then I will see the Lord in the storm, letting things happen within the limit. Like this I will trust in the Lord when there is no ground in front of me, because he will help me walk even when I don't have anything to put my feet on.. Help me to trust in the Lord when I lack what I need most here on this earth, seeing by faith that He will act with great power.

In this prayer of exultation my sighs for you, I trust in the Lord and I will forever praise. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

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