Prayer of eternal hope

Now, hope does not confuse, because the love of God is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, who was given to us. Romans 5:5

Blessed God, I seek you at this moment with this prayer of eternal hope believing that the Lord always hears me, even when I don't get along with you. I thank you for this mercy that you show to sinners, without your help I would certainly be a lost person.


I know that your love is not confused because it is poured out every day in the lives of all those who seek you, my beloved God. Without you we are lost, so you never stop acting powerfully in our lives. How good it is to be by your side, so I can grow in grace and power of the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord forever and ever, for from you also comes prosperity.

I thank you for this opportunity I have to say this prayer of eternal hope and be even closer to you. In this way, my tendency is to grow in spirituality because I will have firm faith in your great promises. Look at me here at this moment, holding you firmly with peace of mind knowing that the Lord is watching me.


Great Lord who sees everything, I am at your side, steadying my steps, trusting in you, who sees and transforms everything. May your gift given by the Holy Spirit be continuous in my life because It is from you that I have the power to overcome the evil that plagues me daily.


The enemy tries to destroy me, but I have the Lord by my side, giving me strength to remain faithful with this prayer of eternal hope. My soul longs for you to be comforted in the adversities of life. That's why I feel great daily power to overcome darkness.

Holy God, help me to see your action on my life, where the Lord acts in my life to make it grow spiritually. So I I will honor you with what I have and I will manifest your truth to the world.

Hear this prayer of eternal hope and help me to be filled with your excellent grace. Thus I will be filled with Jesus, the author of my salvation. I will trust you mightily because always fulfills what he promises, because he is the God of eternal promise.

Your mercy has no end, it makes me a new person every day. It helps me steady my steps when the ground seems to leave my feet. From you comes the power to overcome all evil, put me in places where I will always be under your protection.

I thank you for listening to this prayer of eternal hope, because it is not confused at any time. I I need you in every moment of my life, so help me feel you, so I will take my steps on ground that the enemy will never knock me down.

Holy God, may you be exalted, magnified, for you are truly God, who acts, transforms and strengthens your people every day. Answer this prayer, Father, in the name of your beloved Son Jesus. Amen!

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