Prayer of Waiting

Then he said to me: Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your words have been heard; and I came because of your words. Daniel 10:12

My God, beloved Father, just like Daniel I place myself in your hands, to receive the same answer he was looking for, in my struggles and battles I place my life in your hands. He expected a response from you, and although it took him a while to respond, in reality the Lord had already answered him from the first day of prayer. The Lord was acting, fighting the enemy so that Victory could be granted. O God forgive my sins, Daniel asked for forgiveness in his prayer for his sins and for the sins of the people, I ask for forgiveness, Lord God, for my sins and for the sins of my family and also of your people who serve you.


God, come to me, answer my prayer and act, may it ascend to your throne of grace, and so Father, I can obtain everything that the Lord has designed for my life. The Lord told Daniel not to fear, it was a situation of spiritual struggle, but he remained faithful, waiting for your answer, and the what he felt was a hand on his shoulders saying that from the first moment you applied your heart to understand and humble yourself before God he was heard.

So Lord, I'm sure the Lord is hearing my prayer. I know that at this moment, when I start praying for myself, when I start praying for my family, my friends, and Christians, the Lord is already answering. So Holy Father, praised be your name, magnified by the cross of Christ who died for me, so that I could have the privilege and opportunity to come to you, obtain forgiveness and purification of my sins. The angel spoke to Daniel because his words were heard. Then the Lord kindly saw your servant, had compassion on him, and said that he was listening.

So God, I thank you for your goodness and mercy, because the Lord hears everyone who seeks you from the heart, even though he is a failure and a sinner.. No matter how far your brother has gone in error, he repents, Christ says he will never cast out.


So Lord, how could I fail to seek you, the God who is the source of all grace and mercy, a just and compassionate God, who always has his hand outstretched to help the brokenhearted.

I put myself in your hands, Father, because I know that the Lord hears me, I know that when I pray for that person who needs healing, the Lord is already acting, and says everything according to his will. I know that when I pray for that person who is lost in drink, the Lord is already touching their heart and keeping.

So Lord, see my prayer, see my supplication, place your hands on my shoulder, say as Daniel said, the first moment he started looking for me I was already answering that prayer. May it be so, I ask for my beloved and good Jesus, who lives and reigns forever. Amen!

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