Prayer of conquest

And thanks be to God, who always makes us triumph in Christ, and through us manifests the fragrance of his knowledge everywhere. 2 Corinthians 2:14

Oh my God, how pleasant it is to seek you doing this prayer of conquest, because when we trust solely in you, great things happen in our lives. So I ask for your forgiveness from now on, so I can continue calmly towards the top. Holy One of Israel and mine, come to me and help me to be the perfume of Christ to the world. This way I can present your message of hope to everyone around me.


That's why I present myself to the Lord with this prayer of conquest because I know that it is the Lord who makes us triumph. Like this I believe daily that all the achievements in my life were possible because the Lord empowered me to do so.. So I thank you in advance for the talents and gifts you gave me. In this way I ask that you expand my borders and help me take possession of your blessings. Do not allow me to remain just crumbs, but allow me to take possession of everything that the Lord has in store for me.

By saying this prayer of conquest, I place my goals and dreams in your hands so that the Lord can direct them according to your wishes. Although it does not deserve any kind of gift from you, the Lord offers it freely. That It's no wonder because he gave the greatest gift, which was Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. He conquered humanity for himself on the cross, so I accept being part of this conquest through faith and love for the Lord.


So my beloved Father, help me to triumph both in things here on earth and especially in heavenly things. Between the two, I want to be in your kingdom, but may the Lord help me to be an example in everything on this side of the world. My Lord God, solidify me in your truth and make a home in my heart. Therefore I ask that you dwell in it and also break all the barriers that may come upon my mind and free me from anguish. Surely this way I will grow, I will show an example to everyone and so everyone can glorify you.


How good it is to seek you with this prayer of conquest, knowing that this is possible through the knowledge that comes from your word. This way I will hold your promises tightly and will never let go. So I will be an example, although I am a sinful person, I don't want to live sinning as an excuse. But if I suddenly make a mistake, let it be with the aim of doing what is right.

My Lord, I don't want to stop seeking you, because the Lord is the only one who is capable of transforming my life. Exactly the Lord who hears my prayer of conquest and acts according to his goodness and mercy. Even though I don't deserve any of your blessings, I give myself entirely to you at this moment.

May the greatest achievement I can have in my life be eternal life in a new heaven and a New Earth. But I know that before that my heart must be transformed, so perform this huge miracle in my life. All this I ask, trusting in the merits of my beloved Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

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