Prayer of full trust

And because of my arrest, most of the brothers here have become more confident in the Lord and proclaim God's message with determination and without fear. Philippians 1:14

My beloved God, sanctify me, listen to this prayer of full confidence. In the Lord I can trust with all my heart because the Lord has the way of eternity. If I have committed any sin since the last moment I confessed, forgive me this one too. May your name be praised here on earth and throughout the domain of infinite space.


I will trust your promises every day, so I want to be an example for people out there. Although I am a sinful person, I don't want to be a person who lives in sin. But I will increasingly be a person confident in your true and eternal promises.

There is certainly no life outside of Jesus Christ, so I cling to the Lord with this prayer of complete trust. Help me always look at the great testimonies that the Bible has for me to take as an example. I I will remain firm in faith even in the face of life's biggest problems.


My God, make a great change in my life, teach me to be confident in the Lord. The Lord is certainly a God present in my life, because he has done great things in it. Then I will not stop following the Lord even despite the problems.


Strengthen my spirit and my faith so that I can preach your word without fear. That is why I will cling to the Lord every day with this prayer of full trust. Because then I know that I have the power to win at all times. Sorrows come and with them great trials, so don't let any of this shake me.

Only the Lord is a blessed God, he who gave his beloved Son to die for us sinners.

In the face of my unworthiness I accept your acceptance in Jesus Christ for my soul. Then I raise my hands to the sky to feel your hand touching mine, spiritually energizing my entire body. That way my strength is restored for any challenge that may come my way during the day.

I seek daily renewal so that your blessings may come upon my entire being. So incline your ear to hear this prayer of complete trust. This way I will remain firm as a rock, completely immovable in the face of heat and time. In the face of trials I give my life for I know whom I have believed, for he is able to save.

My beloved God, please, I need you, so don't lead me into temptation and come to me support. So also help me to maintain focus and perseverance to grow in your truth at any cost. Before the Lord I lay down my life completely, pouring out all that I am at your feet.

I know that I am a flawed person, but I know that I have a faithful Savior who welcomes the tired and the downcast. He who gives life and hope to humanity and welcomes everyone who believes. Therefore, in this prayer of full trust I I put my whole life in your hands forever. In the name of Jesus, amen!

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