Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3
Lord God, I place myself in your hands, my beloved Father, where my prayer of trust is entirely placed. My life must be completely consecrated to you, compassionate and merciful God. How good it is to know that I can count on you, come to you and know that you will hear me, regardless of the response time. I present my pleas to you asking for forgiveness for any sin I have committed, because I want to be at peace when I come to you and Your forgiveness is a relief to me, O God of mercy, all powerful, holy, just and true.
God knows, I really need you, your guidance, to be there at all times trusting in you, even in the face of tides of difficulty, even if I go through the lashes of life. My works must be under complete trust in you, God who guides, protects and guards. I am impressed by your greatness and how you look at me, as if I were the only person on the face of the earth. Your grace makes me see much further, I see how much you care about me. With the cross of Jesus you show me the path I must follow.
Dear God, trusting in you is not easy, even knowing your infinite power, waiting for your time is the best choice, but it is not the easiest. Many people say that the Lord is slow, but does not fail, in reality the Lord acts without haste, at the right time. Still, Lord God, people They say that the Lord writes straight with crooked lines, but in reality we don't see straight, So Father, may our life be placed on trust in your faithful and true promises.
May my works, beloved Father, be in accordance with your will, may I walk on the path of obedience and be able to see your designs being established. May my trust bend before you and see your beloved purpose for me and my entire family. that the Lord loves so much.
Help me, O God, to look forward, even when things don't seem to be going as I expected. Help me trust even when I don't see any solution, even if it seems like my prayer didn't even go past the roof of my house. Help me to trust that the Lord has knowledge of everything, and that He can manifest His power at the best moment, dispelling the darkness and showing His light.
May your work, Lord, bring my human glory to dust, and do in me what I cannot do on my own..
May your designs for my life help me to be a channel of blessing to everyone I come into contact with. May people come to see Christ in me, may the blood of my beloved savior purify my entire being. I surrender to you my plans, goals and dreams. I surrender to you everything I have. My trust is well secured, firm in Jesus, it will triumph, it will free me from the tempter, because I have a savior who justifies me. I ask for the merits of my beloved savior Jesus. Amen!
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