Prayer of Kindness

The earth, Lord, is full of your goodness; teach me your decrees. Psalms 119:64

Lord my God, I address you with this prayer of kindness because I recognize your greatness and how the Lord works in the human heart. Your kindness leads us to repentance and transforms the human soul by putting something new into it. Without the Lord we would be a pit of drought. Certainly the Lord transformed several people in the past and does so in the present. Please, my God, forgive my sins and that of each one of my family, be with each one of them.


Thanks to his kindness we are not consumed, on the contrary, the Lord leads us to eternal repentance. In this way there is a weight of glory upon us, for your grace is abundant in our lives. So what remains for me is to address you with this prayer of kindness, because something that only the Lord can give to sinful human beings. All your actions have miracles and providences, so I pray.

O God, may your name be praised and made great by your unsearchable knowledge. With your power, the Lord acts in the lives of human beings, showing them the best path to follow. So, I am enriched by the knowledge that the Lord gives me. Because I desire to be closer to you so that everything that comes from your throne of grace can change my heart and transform my life..


My God, hear this prayer of kindness, it is a recognition of your infinite greatness and continuous action in my life. So I also ask that the Lord help me to be a good person, cleaning out all the selfishness and pride that I have in my heart.. My soul thirsts for you, that's why I seek you in prayer and study of your word


I will serve you with everything I have, so I want to be a blessing at home, at work and on the street. I thank you father because the Lord does not abandon me and my failures, but rather shows your hand outstretched to help when in distress. So I wish you to teach me your decrees, your teachings. In this way I will lead myself firmly towards the heavenly Canaan without deviating from the path.

I seek you with this prayer of kindness because my hope is in the cross of Calvary. Because everything was done there for me, and Christ at that moment still intercedes for me at your throne of grace. I thank you for not abandoning me for a while, but you touch my heart and give me the power to overcome evil. So Father, come and be the center of my life, lead me and my family to eternal life.

Holy Father, it is good to say a prayer of kindness, because it is a reflection that I make of everything that the Lord has done and will do in my life. How could I fail to recognize your greatness, your infinite grace, when the great and powerful Lord is slow to anger and has great mercy?. Oh my God, I know that the evil ones will be destroyed, I know that everyone will have this opportunity to choose on this earth. So I choose to live by your side, fulfill your will in my life in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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