Prayer for the afflicted soul

 My eyes fail with grief; Day after day, I come crying out to you, Lord, and I lift my hands to you.Psalms 88:9

Lord God this prayer for the afflicted soul It's because my life is affected by unwanted situations. I know that I'm not the only person who goes through this on this earth, I'm sure that by your side I have strength. So there's no way to stop looking for the only force that really has the power to free and save.


The psalmist was going through a lot of affliction and anguish, although he had a lot of faith in you. But whether we are wicked or righteous, we will experience afflictions. But the difference is persevering faith in the trust we have in the Lord. Then Believing in you makes all the difference in our lives, so it is for the Lord that I I run away every day.

That is why my soul seeks you with this prayer of the afflicted soul. In this way I have been crying out to you, raising my hands in supplications in daily devotion. My desire is to live with all the saints in heavenly Canaan. I will cling to you and I will never let go.


But affliction comes in my soul, the enemy knows what everyone's weak point is. He knows that many have a tendency. Likewise, he knows about the family problem that is affecting him emotionally. This is how he also sees financial problems and anguish at work.


In this way He works to destroy the human race. And I am like the rest of humanity, I am not a perfect person, but I seek you with this prayer of the afflicted soul. In this way my afflicted soul seeks the Lord with intense devotion. After all, who could I look for, Lord? That's why I lift my hands to you, I pour myself out before you and if it were possible I would do like Mary, I would put perfume on your feet and wipe them, pouring them on you.

Although it is not in the same way I seek you with this prayer of the afflicted soul because I know that the Lord hears prayer just as the Lord heard the Israelites. Freeing them from distress. Father, your word says that the people believed; and when they heard that the Lord had visited Israel and heard their affliction, they bowed down and worshiped you exodus 40:31.

So this means that the Lord hears, knows our problems and wants us to seek you to become stronger. Take care of each one of us and help us to rejoice in the Lord. Come live in me so that I may have a peace of life that I can believe in all circumstances.

May this prayer of the afflicted soul be answered according to your will. This way my life can move forward because problems plague me too much. Then Don't let me lose hope when things seem unbearable.

I need you, Lord, because it is the Lord that I love and in you is my hope and my salvation. Certainly from the Lord comes comfort in the most inspiring moments of life.

So may the power of the destroyer not be effective in diverting me from faith, as I seek you with this prayer of the afflicted soul. That even if my entire physical being were to faint, to be filled with illness or anything else my faith remains firm and my character is forged. I ask for all of this and I thank you for this opportunity and for the forgiveness of sins in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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