“Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for guiding us in all our ways with power from on high. We thank You that You have...
JoinedMarch 18, 2024
“Lord, our God! Strengthen our faith so that patience may be with us. By your patience we live. By your patience we walk. Give us...
“Lord my God, grant us the inner peace we need to reach your presence and listen to you, forgetting all things...
“Senhor, nosso Deus, começamos essa oração da noite, te agradecendo do fundo do coração, por nos dar a oportunidade de...
“Lord Jesus, sometimes it seems like a war is going on inside me. I am going through many conflicts because the...
“Dear heavenly Father, we thank you with all our hearts because we know that you guide us with love and care...
“Senhor nosso Deus, nós entramos em sua presença e nos ajoelhamos diante do seu trono, pedindo-lhe com todo o coração...
“Most High God of the Universe, We are grateful for the life you gave us, for each dawn that renews the opportunities to serve...
“Lord our God, gather us together to praise you with one heart and one voice. Let this praise resound in the...
“Lord, my powerful Father. In the name of Jesus I want to thank you for my day that is coming to an end....
“Senhor, nosso Deus, o Grande e Todo Poderoso, cujo Espírito preenche o céu e a terra! Agradecemos a você por...
“Our Father who art in heaven, thank you for another day of life, we thank you and praise you, your...