Blessing of Proverbs 20:7 – Father’s Day Special

“The righteous man leads an upright life; how happy your children are!”

Proverbs 20:7


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How good it is to have an honest, upright Father, possessing such dear values in these days in which we live! My father left his legacy of honesty, justice, truth, these are the greatest assets he left us. How good it is not to have to be ashamed of those who gave us life! How good it is to look back and only have memories that make us proud to be the children of who we are! My father's story is a simple story. He had a humble childhood, worked honestly throughout his life, got married, fathered three children (me and my sisters), and recently joined our Lord's side. Thank God at some moments in my life I was privileged with the following comment: “Wow! What an incredible guy your father is, what an honest man, of upright value”; and how wonderful it was to be identified as the son of someone like that, I hope I provide the same pride to my children. It is clear that in times like ours, being honest is a very high price to pay, since no one wants to lose out whatever the situation, many want to do well at the expense of anything, even dishonesty. But thank God I was gifted with a father (and mother) who decided to pay the price of being ethical. Today my sisters and I are blessed by the heritage that our parents gave us, their values.
Thank you Lord, for presenting me with such valuable parents!
Thank you my Father, Gualberto Mattucci, for having existed in my life.