Prayer of daily deliverance

No temptation has overtaken you that is not human; but God is faithful and will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear; on the contrary, along with the temptation he will provide deliverance, so that you can endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

My great God is mine daily deliverance prayer It is my search for you in the face of all opposing forces. Only in the Lord can I trust to have the security I need at all times. If there is a sin that I have committed and I have not yet asked for forgiveness, forgive me. Hallowed and praised be your name for my existence and for the blessings granted.


My life is filled with grace and love because what Christ did on Calvary filled my life. So I follow you steadfastly, seeking Jesus as the daily food for my soul. But amid perseverance bad things happen and I have to overcome them at all costs. So come help me stay strong at all times.

In this prayer of daily deliverance I place my hopes completely in your hands. Certainly the Lord is my refuge guide at every moment, for every need. So I seek strength and persevere even in struggle and affliction because I know that deliverance comes from you.


The Lord is my help at all times, so everyone who seeks your support will be under your protection. So don't allow me to come to trust in myself, clinging to my own strengths. That way I will trust whenever Your Holy Spirit will give me power to overcome.


It's good to know that the Lord is by my side, a God who hears my prayer for daily deliverance. Certainly the Lord cares about every situation in my life and treats me as if I were the only person on this earth. And so the Lord does with all those who give their lives to you, trusting in your powerful hand raised to save.

Don't allow anguish and suffering to hit me so hard that I fall and never get up again. It's at this time that I need to look at you knowing that my deliverance is always close. However, help me to be a person prepared for the great deliverance that all the saved will have at the return of Jesus.

I will trust you in the face of the greatest pains because in the greatest pain of all, on the cross of Calvary, my life was saved. In this way, I cling to the Lord with this prayer of daily deliverance because he gave me the greatest deliverance of all, that of eternal death. Then I will renew my mind only by the power of your Holy Spirit.

In the face of trials that are no greater than I can bear, I commit my life to your care. So I know that despite any test, I will not give up because I have security in you. Only the Lord is a blessed God forever, a just God and the savior of those who love him..

There the Lord is on his altar, but he also makes his home in the human heart. So are you listening? this prayer of daily deliverance because it cares about every detail of my life. So take not only my life, but also that of all my family members into your hands, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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