Prayer of my personal struggle

For everyone born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that overcomes the world: our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, if not he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:4,5

Lord God, I present myself to you with this prayer of my personal struggle, because without the Lord I have no way to move forward. In the face of the great difficulties that life presents, the Lord is my refuge in all my concerns. I need you at all times, so I don't want to stop hearing your voice. So I also ask forgiveness for my sins.


I'm sure you're listening to me right now. For the gift of Jesus was given to me, a sinner, so I can come to you with everything I am and have. Although my fight is great, and the storm is great, I will not have defeats because my victory is on the cross. So I have redemption.

This prayer of my personal struggle is because I want power from you to overcome evil. This way my life will be safe in Christ, even if things don't look good. I need you to sing in the midst of struggle, to be content in the midst of distress. All this because I trust that you are by my side.


Be my daily strength, so that confrontations with the enemy will never be won by him. Help me to be like Job, who despite struggle and pain managed to overcome the test. There the enemy did not prevail and was unmasked. Job showed that he did not serve you for selfish reasons.


As I seek you with this prayer of my personal struggle, I place myself at your feet because I want to worship you in the beauty of your holiness. Only in this way does it help me to have strength for all the battles. So no matter how powerful my enemy may be, I have the Lord on my side, I have everything. Just make me rest in your arms of love and tenderness.

How contagious my joy is when I am close to you, when I seek your word. Therefore the Lord is my song, my full joy. In my fights I have your armor, so I can defeat all the giants. That's why I'm going to trust you even more.

My eternal Father, I ask that you hear this prayer of my personal struggle that I respond according to your will. So I will be happy to know that you are doing everything for me. I know that In the midst of struggles and pain, the Lord shapes our character for our growth.

I need you every day, there is no way I can move forward without the Lord instructing me. Therefore, direct my entire life towards my spiritual growth. One day your grace reached me, I felt joy in knowing that Jesus saved me, fought until the end for me and gave me a big blessing.

In this prayer of my personal struggle, I pray that you fight for me, so that I will not have self-confidence. That's why all my achievements I place on your altar lest I exalt myself.

Take away from me what is uncomfortable for spiritual growth. Make me a soldier who represents you. Likewise, help serve the Lord with my rank as a good soldier of Christ.

I thank you for this opportunity, I ask everything in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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