Prayer of deliverance

 The righteous cry out, the Lord hears them and delivers them from all their troubles. Psalms 34:17

Lord God hear this prayer of deliverance. I thank you for your love and kindness and also for your great mercy that the Lord has for my life. You certainly know my difficulties and my afflictions. That's why I put my life in your hands.


God, I depend completely on you. So without the Lord there is no way to go anywhere. I want to depend completely on you in practice because in theory, anyone can do it. Even though I'm not a good person, there are bad things inside me that need to be changed. I want your presence in my life. God, how bad it is to be away from you for a moment.

Father, in this prayer of deliverance I seek you because in you is comfort and my peace. So come rid me of all the thoughts that are discouraging me. So take away from me everything bad that makes me restless in my heart. My struggles are often intense, I see no help until I look at you again and see my salvation.


I will seek you all the days of my life because the former is in salvation and deliverance. Come and get rid of myself, because wrong ideas can stain my spiritual life. I need you at all times, so the grace working within me can give me strength to face each day. My weaknesses sometimes seem to bring me down, but then it comes your comforting hand in the most desperate moments I go through.


I will seek you every day with this prayer of deliverance because help comes from you at the right time. Even if my body fails and my life at the moment may seem like it's in pieces I will be renewed in the Lord. So don't allow the enemy to come and destroy me by putting bad ideas in my head. But help me move forward even if there are thorns on the way.

I will walk the narrow path because the Lord gives me strength and power to go forward. There is certainly no strength in me, but the Lord is the one who sustains me on all occasions. Even if afflictions come like daily arrows in your promise and I will not see difficulties.

My God, you have given me many deliverances and helped me several times. So my life is not only difficulty but also spiritual blessing. Therefore, in this prayer of deliverance, do not allow me to only see problems and difficulties.

The Lord knows everything I go through inside my heart. Give me your help because everything seems to fail inside me. That's because I'm human and a flawed person like anyone else. But unlike many, I stand before you seeking your power and help. Surely the Lord transforms hearts and hears the prayer of your throne.

My God, hear this prayer of deliverance and come to help me from everyone who wants to harm me. Also help me every time my mind wants to navigate vain thoughts that don't please you. Then Come guide my steps towards the path of integrity. Even if my body fails, I will follow you because the Lord gives me power.

I end this prayer by asking for all of this, my beloved Father, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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