Daily Delivery Prayer

Commit your way to the Lord; trust him, and he will do it. Psalms 37:5

Your promises are faithful and true, so I give my life to this daily delivery prayer. I'm sure the Lord is listening to me right now, this leads me to seek you, trusting that the Lord will strengthen me regarding any problem. Then come to me through your Holy Spirit and do great things in my life.


Surrendering to you is not easy because the human heart is corrupt and always leans towards what is wrong. Yet I come to you because I believe in these words where the Lord does something tremendous in those who give themselves.

So look at my life right now, I seek you with this prayer of daily surrender. See what is inside my heart, if there is something wrong in it, forgive me and guide me to the eternal path. Put me in your hands right now because I trust in you, who is capable of transforming my life and showing even myself that I can change.


May my faith testify to what you are, may my surrender be the result of the will to change. So don't let me forget you because I know that the Lord never forgets me. Do not look at my weaknesses, otherwise I will not be able to survive before your Holy Presence.


I seek you in this prayer of daily surrender because I know that The Lord did great works in the past and continues to do so in the present as well. So keep taking care of me and my entire family. Save us all, Lord, for your own sake, for the Lord is supreme over the entire universe.

So I surrender to you because in Christ Jesus the divinity became flesh, incarnating and dying on a cross to save me. Then I have the merits of Christ who is capable of saving, that's why I cling to your alliance. Although in my merit I cling to Christ, appropriating his methods.

In this prayer of surrender I place my entire being before your infinite greatness and such majesty. You know all my weaknesses and even those that I don't even know I have.. Then the Lord exposes me, shows that the work he wants to do in me is much greater than I thought.

So help me to be able to give my life daily so that the Lord can do your great work in me. That way I will be a miracle to everyone around me, because the Lord never stopped doing his part.

I am at this moment, even though I am dust and ashes, seeking you with all my heart because I know you will do great things in my life. Oh my God, how my heart fills with joy when I start looking for you. So don't let me stop doing this at any point in my life.

Take care of me and all my family members, answer this prayer of daily surrender in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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