Prayer of encouragement

Be strong and courageous, all you who hope in the Lord!Psalms 31:24

In my situation I bend my knees with the prayer of encouragement because in the battles of life there are moments when you want to give up. However, the situation would not improve by giving up, but the regrets would only double. This is why the patriarchs and faithful prophets of the past went ahead even in the face of discouraging situations. The psalmist understands the entire process of life and the importance of accepting God's direction.


Prayer of encouragement was one of the things that many did in the past when faced with every problematic situation that arose. So, with faith, they followed the only path and the best of all because the Lord wants to open the sea of difficulties for everyone to pass safely. Help me always believe in your promises even when everything seems dark.

My God, help me, you are strong in the face of situations that I tend to weaken my strength the most. The Lord knows me with all my heart, he knows what goes on in my mind and the bad things I tend to do. So help me to maintain vigilance in all circumstances so that I do not think I am strong. Help me is always in prayer for encouragement seeking strength that comes from above to strengthen my faith and not be discouraged in the face of an illness or family problem.


Forgive my sins my God, help me be encouraged in the face of approval and temptation that can lead me to ruin. My God, sometimes things seem to be lost, my mind to be overwhelmed by the pressure that survives me. It's in you, Lord, that I trust in all my strength, I want to ask you for forgiveness for my sins.


Listen, Lord my God, to this prayer of encouragement and help me face the pressures that try to squeeze me in every way. Sometimes I seem to have no strength, doubt comes into my head, despair seems to have knocked on my door. So help me always to look at what you promised in your sacred word to everyone who believes.

My heart longs for something much higher than what the world offers me, so help me, it's closer to you. Keep my whole family from harm, help them understand the importance of praying for encouragement trying to have more faith.

In this prayer of encouragement I ask that you remove from me, my eternal Father, every selfish and proud tendency in my family. Take away everything that is bad and that brings discouragement, may the Lord free me from my life and put something new in it.

Change anything bad that was inherited in my generation, change my luck and that of my family members who trust in you. May discouragement not be my king, but may the Lord be the emperor of our lives. Because we are subject to sin, but through the new birth the Holy Spirit helps me to come to you.

My life will change, not only because of this prayer of encouragement, but because of my surrender to the Lord of hosts, mighty in battle. Just and Holy is the Lord, for he answers the prayer I pray at the right time. So help me see your action in my life and strengthen my spiritual life. Take away from me everything that hinders me from growing and accepting your truth. In the name of Jesus, my angular stone, I ask and thank you. Amen!

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