Prayer for Christian Living

If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Thus, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. Romans 14:8

My Lord God and father, how good it is to be in prayer for Christian living, because the flame burns in my heart every time I prostrate myself before your presence. Your holiness attracts me because the entire source of life comes from you and your goodness is unlimited. Forgive my sins, my God, Strengthen my faith so that I can walk uprightly towards the promised land.


In this prayer of Christian living, I place all my objective dreams in your hands so that the Lord takes care of each one of them. Don't let me follow the paths that may come to my heart and don't let me find excuses to follow what is wrong. Take away everything that is fragile and that can hinder me in my Christian life.

My God, I belong to you whether it is for life or death, so I want to be safe no matter what condition I go through on earth. I will cling to the Lord who promised everything and always fulfills his timing. My soul always cries out for help in moments of anguish and weakness because I am human. That's why the Lord hears my voice from my heart and then he whispers in my mind or through my mouth crying out to the Lord. Soon comes my security, my forgiveness and consequently my inner peace.


In my Prayer of Christian living I dedicate my heart to the Lord, as well as my words, actions and thoughts. That's why I seek you daily because the Lord is the one who recharges my strength even when I suffer casualties in my life. My God, I know that all people who seek you with all their heart will be able to feel your protective guide and your faithful help. Then help me to be firm even in the midst of circumstances that I go through, no matter how challenging they seem to be.


Lord of hosts, hear my prayer of Christian living and I will consecrate my entire being to you in the beauty of your holiness. So, my God, I will be able to move forward even if people, work or anything affect my life. Then I will continue steadfastly in prayer and study of your word, preparing myself for the return of Christ who will come in the clouds of heaven.

I deliver all my relatives into your hands to take care of them. Perform a miracle in each person's life, whether physical, mental or spiritual. Visit orphans and widows at this time who may be suffering. Help each of them search through the prayer your answer for their lives.

Hear my prayer for Christian living and help me live a life worthy of passing through the gates of the city of Santa one day. So I will be able to contemplate your face that shines like the Sun of justice and I will see my beautiful and beloved Jesus happy that I am there.

In light of all this, dear God, my life has only one meaning, to live for Jesus Christ. So if I die I want to die in Jesus Christ, if I am to stay alive I want to live for Christ. So take care of my heart, listen to this prayer of Christian living and always put me on my feet when I no longer have strength. So answer this prayer according to your will in the name of Jesus. Amen

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