Prayer of welcome

I will dwell in your tabernacle forever; I will take shelter in the hiding place of your wings. Psalms 61:4

My God and Father, who else could I look to for a welcoming prayer? Only the Lord. The world is agitated by problems, which plague us all the time, leading many people to despair in the face of difficulties. The world runs in search of success while it is undone by its own human attitudes, by its own sin that shakes the earth.


Dear God, while the world is agitated in search of defense and acceptance in the human being itself, I seek the Lord. Forgive my faults, may I be clean at this moment of my sins. I believe in so powerful blood that Jesus shed for me on the cross of Calvary. That's why I say this prayer of welcome, because I want to stay under your wings.

Without help, my God, because the world is lost. There is no solution, my God, when I look at the human, but When I look at the cross of Christ I see that my salvation is daily. Life spends everything it brings, but the one I hope in you achieves eternal life.

Oração do acolhimento

When the storms of life are falling, and the hail of problems are getting heavier and heavier, I will seek shelter under your wings. When my head is confused and full of problems, apparently without solution, I know that I have refuge in you, I can hide in your wings.


Dwell in your tabernacle, experience your immense Glory, see your infinite majesty in all the beauty of your holiness. I want to see the almighty God who became incarnate and died for me. I want to see Jesus who stretched out his hand on the cross to hug me and show how much he loves me, because he loved me until death and death on the Cross.

As Christ did not look at the dishonor he would have on earth, I also want to be happy by your side and not be ashamed to follow your gospel. Transform me, help me to be a channel of blessings for all those before me. Help me to believe that you will always be with me, even in the greatest difficulties, because the Lord is the Israel guide.

I also ask, dear Father, that you take care of my family members. Help the one who isn't calling you right now. Touch his heart so that he may see your saving grace upon his life. Help him understand that the same price in the past is the same as in the present. Help understand that the cross was the greatest shame of Christ's time, but today it has become a reason for honor, is God's grace for fallen humanity.

This prayer of welcome is because I trust that your presence is constant in my life. I thank you because you look at me where I am, you touch my heart and you call me to be your son. Guide my steps until I achieve your purpose, purify my heart. Keep me in your truth and help me seek shelter in you, give me your guidance when I am disoriented. Always direct me to your beautiful path. This is my request, eternal God, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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