Si hay una cosa que todos necesitan más que nunca es una comunión con Dios, por eso, muchas applications of the Holy Bible were created to help you.


From the printing press to the present day, with new technologies, everyone's life in relation to the scriptures has been made easier.

melhores aplicativos da bíblia sagrada

All this has contributed to a great change in the lives of millions of people. You've probably noticed how the number of applications of the Bible is increasing.

All in all, we're going to teach you the 5 best Bible apps so that you can maintain continuous communication with God.



The printing press was created in the fifteenth century, which allowed many books to be produced up to the present time, it was a lot of work to get here. However, in our decade things have changed, so we can have the Bible even in digital mode.

Yes, there are various applications that allow you to have a Bible on your mobile phone, share the text with other people, read meditations, write down what you like. Surely it's something incredible, isn't it?

When you say your prayers, you talk to God, when you read the Bible, God talks to you. So, it's possible to notice that our life becomes easier in this respect.

The great thing about having Holy Bible apps is that they show you how to read and meditate, some of which require daily reading.

In this text we will present 5 apps from the Bible that will help you to have a much stronger spiritual life and be prepared for God's purpose in your life.


Before you know what the apps are and how to download each one, we want to ask you a question: after all, it's for your spiritual growth that we're here.

How much time do you dedicate to reading the Holy Scriptures? Did you know that it is possible to study them in a year? They contain approximately 1,189 chapters. So, if you read a little less than 4 a day, you'll finish in a year.

Having Holy Bible apps on your cell phone will be great for your spiritual enrichment and you can carry them in your pocket.

Read in the next topics the Bible apps that will help you in your spiritual life.


This application is excellent, with more than 20 million downloads worldwide. It was developed by Life Church.

This app has very relevant content. You can make notes and it has functions that will attract your attention.

The app has been widely used because of its functions, such as selecting languages. What's more, it's possible to use the app in offline mode, i.e. you don't need Wi-Fi to open it.

The good thing is that, even if the app is in offline mode, it can be used in the updated version.
To download the app follow these steps:

  • With your phone locked, enter the Play Store app
  • Then write the Holy Bible
  • When the app appears, click on download
  • After unloading, it pulses to open.

This application of the Holy Bible has a great evaluation by the public, reaching almost 5 stars. But if you want to go directly to the link, press here.


aplicación Biblia Sagrada

It's one of the most popular apps, especially among evangelicals. Considered one of the best versions, the Almeida Bible can be downloaded on Android.

It has two versions, the paid and the free, and can be used with different plans for daily devotion such as study, chapters, verses.

You don't need an internet connection to use it, so you can use functions such as searching for keywords.

Mira qué interesante, imagina que deseas buscar una palabra, escribes una o más, en seguida pulsas para buscar. You can even do this with a specific book or one of the wills.

In this way, the experiences will be incredible, making an excavation of the scriptures.
Being one of the great applications of the Holy Bible, it can be downloaded in the same way as the previous one. Watch.

  • Open the Play Store on your cell phone
  • Click on the Play Store
  • Write in the name Biblia en portugués Almeida
  • Download it and when you're done click open.

But if you want to go directly to the site, click on this link here.


Children don't need to be away, but the future of the church involves the way in which children are educated spiritually. Therefore, it is necessary to have daily devotional time with the little ones.

One way is to have a short daily meditation with them so that they can get used to it. Up to the age of 7 or 8, they should be taught to love Jesus; after that age, they should be taught to decide for Him.

With all this in mind, the Biblia para Niños app features the main stories from the Scriptures. Therefore, the creation of the world, the garden of Eden, Noah's Ark, Abraham, etc. are presented.

The good thing is that this app brings everything together in a way that attracts children's attention, such as texts, illustrations and audios.

It's free and has technology for Android and iOS

Downloading is as simple as that:

  • Click on the Play Store
  • Escribe the name Biblia para niños
  • Then it pulsates open and ready.

These steps are important because they will be useful when you want to download another app. If you want, you can go directly to the site by pressing here.


aplicaciones de la biblia sagrada

Among the applications of the Holy Bible, this is one of the ones with the greatest availability of languages, approximately 1300. This is excellent for those who want to see the Gospel in all languages and for everyone to be able to listen to it.

Applications like this can be shared with people you have contact with and who are from a region that doesn't know about Jesus. That way, you can share and also be a missionary from afar.
It's hard not to like this app because of the functions it offers. There's the option to read, listen, watch and share at the time you want.

Biblia.is is free and to make offline reading even easier, you can download all the verses.
If you like listening to Bible audios, you know that this is possible with all the books of Scripture.

The app even offers a film of the story of Jesus for the Android and iOS versions.

To download the app follow these steps:

  • Open the Play Store
  • Write the name Biblia.is
  • Click on it
  • Decargala
  • Pulse to open it.

But if you want to go directly to the app, press here.


One of the great applications of the Holy Bible for the female public, although men can also download it because it contains the Christian Arpa.

With this great application of the Bible, women can have a very spiritual devotional. It will be an encouragement for many women who find it difficult to read and meditate.

All this encouragement will help to mature Christian life, with a much greater experience with God. Thus, prayers will be stronger and devotion will be greater with each passing moment.

I'm sure women will love it, also because it has a beautiful design and can be used offline.

If you want to download this app, you know you'll be making a big decision. Be a great influence in your home and make a big difference in the lives of many people around you and in the church.

There is no doubt that it is one of the best applications of the Holy Bible. To download it, follow the instructions below:

  • Enter the Play Store
  • Click to open the app
  • Write the name of the Bible for Christian women
  • Press the option and turn it off
  • Then click on the open option.

How wonderful to have this application on your mobile phone! If you want to go directly to the site, press here.


I'm always a Christian who studies the Holy Bible every day, always prays before starting the study. We don't know what your time is like, but in the first hours of the day say your prayers to God, then study.

Start with Genesis, and when you see a verse that has to do with other passages, point it out. That way you'll realize that the Holy Scriptures are a self-explanatory book.

You can also use a Bible dictionary to look up some words and meanings.

If your time is very tight during the week, find a better schedule. Try to memorize verses and ask God to keep you living according to His will.

Christ said in Luke 11:9 "Therefore I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, call and it will be opened to you". Do this and you will be given the blessings of heaven.


The Holy Bible is a book inspired by God that should be read every day, meditating on each part and drawing lessons from the truth presented.

These Holy Bible apps that we teach here save space and help you in places that you usually don't take them. So you can be on long lines, in a square or at any time.

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